
Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

300m run

10m elbow/reach stretch

Pigeon stretch

PVC pass throughs & around the world’s

*6:00 EMOM*

20m shuttle sprint (forward then backward)

5 medball cleans 20/14

5 ring rows

WOD Naz (Time)

Run 1 Mile


59 Wall Balls


3 Rounds for time

12 Squat Cleans

18 Pull-ups

23 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

cash out

1 heavy clean/snatch

100m Buddy Carry

“The final clean/snatch is to represent picking up a wounded Marine, so do something heavy. For Rx I always allow my athletes to “pick load” because it’s more about the concept of picking up a fellow fallen soldier than anything else. “Heavy for you” is appropriate.

The fireman carry is to represent carrying him to safety. I want to be clear, that on March 23 I was unable to lift my fellow Marine and so we had to drag him to safety. So this fireman carry of your buddy is left open to interpretation. So if it’s a sandbag or a punching bag or whatever is heavy. Note: It’s not a farmer carry [weight should be carried over the shoulder].”