
Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

On a 12:00 min clock, AMRAP of:

10/7 cal SkiErg

15 banded Russian KB swings 35/26

50 singles

15 flutter kicks (R/L=1)

5 push-ups

Pullup/Dip Complex

10 Minute EMOM:

5 Strict Pullups

5 Strict Dips

*This will be a 9 week cycle to improve shoulder strength and stability with our pulling and pushing movements. You may scale accordingly by reducing reps or using bands. If you complete this on the minute for 2 cycles, add 1 rep. It is encouraged to go unbroken, however it counts as a completed complex if you are able to do the 5 strict pullups and 5 strict dips within the minute for 10 sets.

“Dan Marino” (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Sets: (:30 WORK/:30 REST) @ Each Station-

-Cal Ski

-Sled Push (25m=1 rep)

-Hand to Hand KB Swings 53/35

-Weighted Leg Raise 10/5 plate
You will perform 4 sets of the time interval at each station and then transition to next movement. Score is total reps for each movement.