
Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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On a 8:00 clock:

300m run or ski


20m straight leg bear crawl

5 Superman’s

5 cal ski

10 DB Russian twists (r/ 1=1)

Handstand Skill Work

3 Sets:

Overhead DB Hold with 2 DBs

Arms fully locked out overhead with a DB in each hand.
Hold for :45 overhead, then go straight into the shoulder taps. Score= seconds held and then put the weight of the dbs in the notes.

Shoulder Taps

Either wall facing or not. 10 total shoulder taps.
Scale by using a box and going knees/toes on the box with vertical torso. You may also scale up and perform these as freestanding shoulder taps.

Rest 2 minutes between sets.

“Hectic” (2 Rounds for reps)

2 Rounds:
(1:30 of work/ :30 of rest)
-Cal Ski
-Deadlift 225/155
-Abmat Situps/GHD Situps
-Burpee Bar Touch
*Rotate through each station keeping track of reps for each movement.

Rx+=GHD situps