Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
On a 10:00 clock:
500m row
10 banded pull aparts (across chest & OH)
*AMRAP of*
20m bear crawl
5 KB push press 35/26
:30-:45 sec plank hold
Handstand Skill Work
3 Sets:
Wall Walk into HS Hold
1 Wall walk into :45 nose and toes hold against wall.
Focus on stacked position. Scaled version would be wall walk as close to the wall as possible and hold.
This can be done as a 5′ HS walk and then max freestanding hold for an extra challenge. (Rx+)
Score= total seconds
Strict HSPU
6 Strict HSPU. Use stacked abmats to scale movement or toes on a box in pike position with vertical torso.
Rest as needed before starting next set.
“Fair Catch” (Time)
4 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
10 KB Snatches (5R/5L) 53/35
KB Snatch demo- https://youtu.be/Pm-b2XFeABA