The Farmer Mile

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – Endurance Club

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A Farmer’s Mile (Time)

1 mile Farmer Carry 1.5/1)

Athlete 1: Farmer Carry

Athlete 2: Runs to 400m mark

Switch when Athlete 2 returns

Athlete 1: runs back to gym

Athlete 2: Farmer Carry

Switch when Athlete 1 returns

*continue until team reaches 1mile Farmer Carry

**once team hits 800m marker, runners run to mile marker

***once team hits mile maker, runners run to 800m

****once team hits 1200m, runners run back to gym
RX+ = Vested

Deaths come in Three (3 Rounds for calories)

10min AMRAP each station

Station 1: Ski Erg

Station 2: Leg Raises (or Plank)

Station 3: Bike

Athlete 1: 0:30 sec on/rest

Athlete 2: rest/0:30 sec on