Retest Sleigh Bells

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

400m row

10 yogi push-ups

10m spiderman crawl

200m row

10 air squats

10 KB swings (light weight)

10 KB cleans (5 each side)

10 KB push press (5 each side)

Handstand walk pratice

15 min practice:

handstand walks, wall walks, handstand holds, shoulder taps, plank shoulder taps, etc…
Log longest handstand walk if you can. 1m=1rep

Sleigh Bells (Time)

100 hand to hand KB swings 53/35

80 air squats

60 KB cleans 53/35

40 cal row

20 KB push press 53/35
RX+= goblet squats

*for the KB cleans & KB push press, switch sides every 5 reps*