
Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

300m run or row

10 banded pull aparts (across chest & overhead)

Couch stretch

10m spiderman crawl

10 air squats

For Quality (4 Sets)

5-8 Strict Pullups w/3-5 second hold at the top of the pullup


10 Paralette Pushups
*make sure your chin stays above the bar on the hold.

“The Rolling Stones” (Time)

In 8 Rounds, (2 min WORK, 1 min REST)

Complete the Chipper for total time:

50 Front Squats 135/95

40 Jerks

30 Clusters

*begin each round with 100m SPRINT

*remember the reps you left off on for the previous round and continue to chip away at the barbell work.

*your score is total time to complete the work (include the rest time.)

*1 second penalty for every rep missed