
Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

400m row

Achilles stretch

Worlds greatest stretch each side

10 PVC pass throughs

:30 sec handstand hold


Arnie (Time)

For Time:

With a single 2 pood kettlebell:

21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm

50 Swings

21 Overhead squats, Left arm

50 Swings

21 Overhead squats, Right arm

50 Swings

21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm
In honor of Los Angeles County Fire Fighter Specialist Arnaldo “Arnie” Quinones, 34, was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, August 30, 2009
To learn more about Arnie click here
KB weight 70/53

Laura (AMRAP – Rounds)

With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of:

30-cal. row

20 burpees over the rower

10 power cleans

♀ 105 lb. ♂ 155 lb.
To learn more about Laura click here
This workout can be broken up with your partner 30 cal for one athlete, 30 cal for the other, then 20 burpees over the rower for one athlete, then 20 burpees over the rower for the other, etc. It may also be broken up by complete rounds, one athlete completes a full round while the other athlete rests. You may choose whichever way you would like to perform the workout. Score is total rounds and reps with your partner.

“PJ” (Time)

For Time and Load:

3 Clean and Jerks 135/95

3 Toes to Bars

55 Double Unders

6 Clean and Jerks 135/95

6 Toes to Bars

55 Double Unders

9 Clean and Jerks 135/95

9 Toes to Bars

55 Double Unders

12 Clean and Jerks 135/95

12 Toes to Bars

55 Double Unders

Directly into..

1 RM Squat Clean
21 min time cap

Post load in the comments

This workout has two parts. On a 21-minute clock, complete the prescribed reps of Clean-and-Jerks, Toes-to-Bars, and Double-Unders as fast as possible (“For Time”). For the second part, in the remaining time, establish a 1 rep max Squat Clean (“For Load”).

There will be two scores for this workout. Score A is the time to complete the first part of the workout. Score B (post weight in comments)is the heaviest load successfully lifted for the 1 rep max Squat Clean.

The workout was designed by her home gym, CrossFit Kantok. ‘PJ’ has 220 Double-Under reps – 30 Clean-and-Jerks and Toes-to-Bar – an increasing rep scheme of 3 reps per round – and a 21-minute time cap. This was Jamie’s very first CrossFit Open and she managed to do workouts 21.1 and 21.2 as prescribed (Rx). She was tall, slim and looked nothing like the archetypal weightlifter. But lifting was her jam, nonetheless! So the Clean-and-Jerk features at high volume and at Grace/Isabel weight. Jamie had significantly stepped up her Toes-to-Bar game, and watching her tall frame do Double-Unders forever was a sight to behold. She also loved the max effort lifts. She was into measuring everything and she recently posted new PRs in a bunch of her lifts. She would have ripped into the 1RM attempt that completes the 21.4 workout.

Jamie’s biggest impact in the box was her ability to spread joy through fitness. She thoroughly enjoyed every day she got to spend at the gym and that positivity was contagious.