Endurance Club – Sun, Jul 16

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – Endurance Club

“Lucky Number 7” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Teams of 2

***2 Sets***

AMRAP in 7:00

A1: 100m Sled Push (45s/25s)

A2: 15/12 Cal Bike

*once both athletes finish, switch and continue

Rest :90

AMRAP in 7:00

A1: 15 GHD/Abmat sit-ups

A2: 15 T2R or T2B

*once both athletes finish, switch and continue

Rest :90

AMRAP in 7:00

Run 800m together

Max Dball/Sandbag cleans (I go, you go)

Rest :90