CrossFit – Wed, Mar 22

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit


In 10:00 mins, FINISH

400m row

couch stretch

pigeon stretch

iron cross

thread the needle

*2 rounds of*

250m row

5 tempo Superman’s

10 knee raises

5 front squats

6 Sets:

Front Squat 1 1/4

You will squat down (ass to grass), up 1/4 of the way, back down, and then stand all the way up.
Build up each set. Go heavier than last week. Rest 2 minutes between sets.


“Full Court Press” (Time)

For Time:

500m Row

40 Toes to Bar

500m Row

40 Overhead Squats 75/55

500m Row

40 Abmat Situps

*16 Minute Time Cap
Rx+= GHD Situps