Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit
Fish game on rower
achilles stretch on rig
downward dog
10m Spider-Man crawl
*3 rounds of*
10m Bear crawl forward
10m Bear crawl backward
5 light weight DB C&J each side
5 wall balls (light weight)
Double Under Skill Work
Spend 12 Minutes working through the following progression.
10 R/Lwrist rotations with rope in hand (try to make the rope hit the ground in the same spot every time)
1 minute of Singles
:30 Left foot jumps
:30 Right foot jumps
:30 Tall Singles (Higher jump)
1 Minute max Double Unders
3 attempts at max set of double unders.
“Lincoln Memorial” (3 Rounds for reps)
3x 4 Minute AMRAP:
40 Double Unders
20 DB Hang Clean and Jerks 50/35 (5R/5L)
Max Wallballs 20/14
-Rest 1 minute
Score= Wallballs for each round