CrossFit – Tue, Sep 12

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

New Cycle

This week will be the beginning of the new cycle that is primarily focused on strength. We will be using the Wendler Strength Cycle as a template. Here are the main lifts:

Monday- Back Squats

Tuesday- Hang Power Snatch

Wednesday- Deadlift

Thursday- Push Press


400m Run


world’s greatest stretch


2 rounds

5 empty bar hang power snatch

5 Burpees

5 DB push press

Hang Power Snatch

1×5 @ 65%

1×5 @ 75%

1×5+ @ 85%

**Use 90% of 1RM for percentages (ex. if you lift 100, use 90 x .65 for your weight of the first set.)

When you get to your last set, it is 5+ reps. This means you will do your max reps and try to hit more than 5.

Score your weight for your last set and put in the comments how many reps you hit on the last set.

“1st Down” (Time)

For Time:


DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35 (5R/5L)

Burpee over DB

300m-200m-100m Run

*30 DB HCJ, 30 Burpees over DB, 300m Run..