CrossFit – Tue, Dec 27

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit


400m run

10 PVC pass throughs & shoulder stretches

*3 rounds of*

10m crab walk (forward or reverse)

10 russian twists 25/15 (r/l=1)

10 Kip swings

10 Sets: (:30 WORK/:30 REST)

Alternate between movements.

Ring Dips

Strict Ring Dips. Scale with box dips. Score=Max unbroken set

Weighted Leg Raise (Weight)

“Cobalt” (Time)

For Time:

36 Pullups

9 Shuttle Run Touches (10m)

27 Toes to Bars

9 Shuttle Run Touches

18 Pullups (Rx+=C2B Pullups)

9 Shuttle Run Touches

9 Toes to Bars (Rx+=BMU)

9 Shuttle Run Touches