CrossFit – Thu, Sep 14

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit


2 minute bike increase pace every :30

3 rounds-

10 lu raises

10 kb swings

10 empty bar push press

*build in weight for push press

Push Press

1×5 @ 65%

1×5 @ 75%

1×5+ @ 85%

**Use 90% of 1RM for percentages (ex. if you lift 100, use 90 x .65 for your weight of the first set.)

When you get to your last set, it is 5+ reps. This means you will do your max reps and try to hit more than 5.

Score your weight for your last set and put in the comments how many reps you hit on the last set.

“Fumble” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Minute AMRAP:


15 Cal Bike

30 Hand to Hand KB Swings 53/35