CrossFit – Fri, Apr 28

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day


Hello T2CF Members!

This is a friendly notice to let all of you know that our drink prices will be going up as of May 1st, 2023.

I have tried to keep them as low as possible, but it just isn’t sustainable any longer. In my 10 years at the gym I have raised membership prices twice and I have NEVER changed the drink prices. But as all of you know, things just keep going up and I can no longer keep these prices the same.

Also, there are (3) options in which to pay for our products in our store.

Option 1 – Cash. I will provide more change in the dish in the refrigerator if needed. NO IOU’s. This is totally on the honor system and I really wish to keep it that way. It’s one of our “unique” qualities of Turn 2 CrossFit.

Option 2 – Venmo. My QR code is on the refrigerator and my Venmo is @Tony-Turski. Please do this right away when you grab product. Often times members tend to forget they got something and never remember to go back and pay it.

Option 3 – The Black Box. This the box that is above the keyboard. There you can create a card for yourself and charge it to your Credit Card on file. I charge everything from there towards the end of every month. Please be sure to be SPECIFIC as to what you take. i.e. “salt” Box or Packet? & “Protein” Drink or Bag? And if you are not sure how to go about this, ask a coach on duty. They should be able to help you out.

I can’t thank you all enough for being such loyal and wonderful members and making our gym the absolute best CrossFit gym in the area. As always, I am here for you with any questions that you have.


Have a wonder night,


Coach Tony

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit


400m row, run, ski, or 1000m bike

10m quad stretch

10m lateral lunges

10 banded pull aparts (OH & across chest)

10 banded shoulder presses

*3 rounds of*

100m run or ski

5 light weight DB power cleans or 45/35

5 DB push press or push jerk 45/36

“Officer Jason Knox” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 20 minutes-

5 Dumbbell Deadlifts (2×50/35 lb)

6 Dumbbell Hang Cleans (2×50/35 lb)

7 Dumbbell Front Squats (2×50/35 lb)

8 Dumbbell Push Presses (2×50/35 lb)

35 Double-Unders

200 meter Run

Buy-In: 54 second Silence
This hero workout is dedicated to Officer Jason Knox, Houston Police Dept. (35) who waskilledin the line of duty on May 2, 2020, when the Houston Police Dept. helicopter he was in, crashed.

The WOD was designed and submitted by Jojo Flores@jojofromhoustonand validated by Coach Felipe Gallegos@htx_flipfitboth of whom are SWAT Team Members for HPD and coworkers of Officer Knox.

According to JoJo, the rep scheme signifies:

– 54 seconds for the transport of Officer Jason to the funeral home on May 4 (5/4)

– 20 minute AMRAP and 5 Dumbbell Deadlifts for the date when the crash happened

– 7 Front Squats and 6 Hang Cleans for the date when Officer Knox joined HPD, July 7, 2006

– 8 Push Presses for his 8 years in service

– 35 Double-Unders for his age when he passed

Partner Workout (Time)

For Time:

100 Abmat Sit-ups (one athlete works at a time)


20 Rounds- (I go, you go)

13/10 Cal Ski

5 Hang Power Cleans 135/95

5 Push Jerk


Accumulate 200m Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (90/70)

while partner holds plank position
Rx+= GHD Sit-ups, 155/105, 150/100 Sandbag Carry