Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit
27 cal row
5 wallball front squats
5 wallball push press
5 wallballs
5 kip swings
10 Kb swings (35/26)
5 pull-ups
10 kb swings
5 c2b pullups
3 wallball front squats
3 wallball push press
3 wallballs
Wallball EMOM (AMRAP – Rounds)
7 Min EMOM
10-20 Wallballs 20/14
Choose the reps you are able to hold for the entire EMOM. We will increase the reps after two weeks of completing emom successfully.
Rest 3 Minutes
5 Sets:
:30 on/ :30 rest
*Keep track of total reps
Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups
Find Max Reps in 30 seconds. Scale with bands if needed
“Winston Churchill” (Time)
For Time:
KB Swings 53/35
Cal Row