Partner WOD

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit


400m RUN, ROW, SKI

band stretches

10 sumo squats

10 star jumps

50 singles

3 rounds:

5 banded pvc deadlifts

5 muscle clean 45/35

5 strict press

double under practice

Clean and Jerk (Build to the heaviest weight


Grace under pressure (Time)


60 Clean and Jerks 135/95

3,2,1 GO..

Partner A- Clean and Jerks

Partner B-

30 Double Unders

5 RKB 70/53

*Switch every minute until done with 60 clean and jerks.

**Divide reps in half 30 clean and jerks each

TIME CAP 20 Minutes