Hello T2CF Members!
This is a friendly notice to let all of you know that our drink prices will be going up as of May 1st, 2023.
I have tried to keep them as low as possible, but it just isn’t sustainable any longer. In my 10 years at the gym I have raised membership prices twice and I have NEVER changed the drink prices. But as all of you know, things just keep going up and I can no longer keep these prices the same.
Also, there are (3) options in which to pay for our products in our store.
Option 1 – Cash. I will provide more change in the dish in the refrigerator if needed. NO IOU’s. This is totally on the honor system and I really wish to keep it that way. It’s one of our “unique” qualities of Turn 2 CrossFit.
Option 2 – Venmo. My QR code is on the refrigerator and my Venmo is @Tony-Turski. Please do this right away when you grab product. Often times members tend to forget they got something and never remember to go back and pay it.
Option 3 – The Black Box. This the box that is above the keyboard. There you can create a card for yourself and charge it to your Credit Card on file. I charge everything from there towards the end of every month. Please be sure to be SPECIFIC as to what you take. i.e. “salt” Box or Packet? & “Protein” Drink or Bag? And if you are not sure how to go about this, ask a coach on duty. They should be able to help you out.
I can’t thank you all enough for being such loyal and wonderful members and making our gym the absolute best CrossFit gym in the area. As always, I am here for you with any questions that you have.
Have a wonder night,
Coach Tony
Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit
3:00 min bike or row
couch stretch
worlds greatest stretch
5 squat therapy on rig
5/3 cal row
10 air squats
5/3 cal bike
5 back squats 45/35
Back Squat
5×12 Back Squat @ 40-50% for all sets. Lift every 3 minutes.
**After each set of BS, hit a max set of strict pullups/ring rows (do not exceed 10 reps)
“This is the Way” (Time)
For Time:
30 Cal Row
30 Cal Bike
-Rest 2 minutes
24 Cal Row
24 Cal Bike
-Rest 1 minute
18 Cal Row
18 Cal Bike
-Rest :30
12 Cal Row
12 Cal Bike
**20 Minute TIME CAP
Score is total time. Push the pace on the row and bike to earn your rest.