Sunday Lifting

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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3min Row/bike/ski

Banded shouler strech from rig

20 Banded pull aparts behind head

20 banded pull aparts across chest

20 SDLHP w/barbell

10 Barbell shoulder presses

10 barbell push press

Metcon (No Measure)

12 EMOM Jerk work
4 rounds:

1st minute- 5 Tall Jerk

2nd minute-5 Jerk Balance

3rd minute-10 Dip squats

Tall Jerk

Jerk Balance

Dip Squats- 30 sec Mark

Push Press+Pause Jerk+ Jerk

Athlete will perform one Push Press into one Pause Jerk into one Jerk.

Pause Jerk: Athlete will pause at the bottom of the dip of the jerk for 2-3 secs then go into a full Jerk.