Wednesday, September 11th Wod!

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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Row 3,000m

It is estimated that just under 3,000 people died in the actual event that occurred on September 11, 2001.

Still, there are estimates that the number of deaths associated with cancers that are linked to the event, search, and clean-up will soon outnumber the actual event itself.

9/11 Memorial Workout (Time)

18 Minute AMRAP

9 Back Squats (135#/95)

11 Deadlifts (135/95#)

20 Push-ups

01 Rope Climb

Cash Out:

343 Double-Unders
The signficance to the rep scheme:

It was roughly 18 minutes between the planes striking each tower of the World Trade Center

9- September

11- The day

2001- The Year

343- The number of Firemen that gave their lives trying to save another. If you cannot do Doubles, do 343 Jumping Jacks

Your score is the rounds completed during the AMRAP. The double-unders are for you to honor in your own way.

3,000m Row (Time)

Row 3,000m
Do not row 3,000m twice, this is just so you can enter your time