Totally Awesome Tuesday

Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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3 rounds

9 Burpees

6 Jumping Lunges

9 Push-ups

6 Cherry Pickers

“Strict” (Time)

for time

1000m row/bike/run

20 Shoulder press 95/65

20 strict pull-up

40 odd object squat

20 strict pull-up

20 Shoulder press 95/65

1000m row/bike/run
** No knee bend on the Shoulder press, these are strict movements

**You may hold your Odd Object any way you wish

Strict – Scaled (Time)

1000m row/bike/run

20 Odd Object Shoulder Press

20 Odd Object strict rows

40 odd object squat

20 Odd Object strict rows

20 Odd Object Shoulder Press

1000m row/bike/run
**You should use a weight in which you cannot complete all 20 presses unbroken.

**During the Squat, you may hold the object anyway you want.