
Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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2 rounds

Row 250m

10 Big arm circles forward

10 Big arm circles backwards

10m Walking Toe touch

10m Walking Side Lunge

10 Burpees

Gymnastics Conditioning

Handstand Walk

With a 10 min Clock, rotate between the following

10m Handstand Walk

10 cal Assault Bike

Frank Costanza (5 Rounds for reps)

3 minute AMRAP

15 Wall Ball 20/14

12 SDLHP 95/65

Cal Row remaining time

Rest 2 minutes

Repeat for a total of 5 rounds
**Score each round for calories.

**Do NOT include the reps of wall balls or SDLHP in your score


3 Sets

10 Standing DB Shoulder Press

10 Bent over DB Rows (Both Arms)