
Turn 2 CrossFit Workout of the Day

Turn2CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

On a 12:00 min clock:

400m run

10m elbow/reach stretch

5 sumo squats

Iron cross stretch

Thread the needle stretch


7 air squats

7 slam balls

100m run

Strict Pull-Ups

Perform 3 sets of your max strict pullups. Rest 2 minutes between sets. If you used a band for these, make sure to note which band you used. Score your max set.

Ring Dips

Perform 3 sets of max strict ring dips. Rest 2 minutes between sets. Score your max set.

“Start Your Engines” (Time)

Every 2:30 for 6 rounds:

24 Wallballs 20/14

Max Pullups

*Accumulate 120 Pullups or finish as many pulllups as possible in 6 rounds.

*Score is time. Add one second for every missed rep.